Adding new fields in QA32/QA33 report.

Expected Result

Step 1: Add customized field in QALS table with Append Structure.

Go to SE11 > QALS > Append Structure…

Enter Append Name.

Add your new field.

Step 2: Add customized field in QALS_D02 structure with Append Structure.

Go to SE11 > QALS_D02 > Append Structure…

Enter Append Name.

Add your new field (the same as QALS table).

Step 3: Implement implicit enhancement into RQALVF14 include, RQARCQDL program.

1.1 Go to PERFORM CALL_LISTVIEWER_F14 at END-OF-SELECTION event > Double click.

1.2 Select RQEEAL10 program.

1.3 Press Enhance button or press Shift+F4.

1.4 Edit > Enhancemet Operations > Show Implicit Enhancement Options.

1.5 Place cursor at number 1 > press Create and Code button.

1.6 Enter enhancement implementation name and description.

1.7 Implement the enhancement.

*See source code at Appendix A.

2.1 Go to PERFORM AKTUALISIEREN_F14 > press Enhance (Shift+F4).

2.2 Do the same as step 1.4.

2.3 Place cursor at number 1 > Create > Code.

2.4 Enter enhancement implementation name and description.

2.5 Implement the enhancement with the same logic as step 1.7 or you may apply logic with INCLUDE instead.
Example: –

Remark: – The reason why we have to implement the same logic as step 1.7, your added data into OBJECT_TAB will be lost after submit RQEEAL10 program and import from memory id. This situation happens when i.e. change the ALV layout.

Appendix A
LOOP AT p_object_tab ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<lfs_obj>).
  IF <lfs_val> IS ASSIGNED.
    <lfs_val> = 'TEST'.

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